Opera gx corner
Opera gx corner

Opera GX falls on the “works well” side of the incompatibility divide so far in my use.

opera gx corner

How well it does this is one of the key factors in how well it’s received.

opera gx corner

The bare minimum job of a browser is to serve up a web page. That left-hand sidebar, though? Those are what supposedly make Opera GX a “gaming browser”. You can opt to display your bookmarks bar beneath this, but I have it turned off in the screenshot above.

opera gx corner

Then there’s a tray for Extensions, and the icon for browser quick settings. On the far right side, there’s a button for taking a screenshot of the current page (fancy), a button for hotswapping the privacy controls (which we’ll talk about later), Access to “My Flow” which is a kind of cross-platform bookmarking utility, and the local Hearticon for saving the current page as a local bookmark. GX offers a svelte header with the traversal buttons, address bar, and operational controls that we expect from modern browsers. Ideally the “chrome” should be minimal so as to maximize browsing space, and it should never impinge upon the client-side calculation standards for CSS and Javascript if it does decide to go off the rails design-wise. There’s not a heck of a lot of opportunity to make a web browser stand out when it comes to it’s design. What makes Opera GX a “gaming browser” aside from overly aggressive use of blacks and neon reds and a lot of “by gamers, for gamers”-level marketing tripe? Let’s take a look. So I downloaded it, installed it, and am currently using it as my daily browser as a means of assessing it’s claims. I had no idea what that kind of label meant to the Opera marketing department, but I knew what I thought it meant. Last week I came across an article talking about Opera GX, which is a “gaming browser” built on the stalwart Opera browser framework. As a developer, I’ve always also had to keep Firefox around Just Because, and the only Safari I have access to is on my iPad, so it might as well be out there, alone, in a cabin in the woods for all the concern I have for it. When Microsoft Edge arrived, I switched in the wake of rumors of Google’s lackadasical stewardship.

opera gx corner

For the longest time I, like many, relied on Chrome, as it became the required choice of many online outlets. Browser Wars, amirite? At some point in my Internet career (both as a civilian and as someone fighting from the trenches in web application development) I have used or at least tried most of them.

Opera gx corner